Recognition Initiative
Scout councils often host an Eagle Scout dinner or Eagle recognition event. we offer certificates and letters of congratulation from the national fraternity and its officers. We are always willing to work with the Council to help support these events, and can provide our certificates to the new Eagles through whatever means the Council feels is best, including a separate information booth before or after the event. We would also be willing to promote the event among our members in the area. This could include solicitations for sponsors, mentors, or attendees.
Credential Initiative.
Every eagle scout receives a certificate and membership credentials from the national council. Each council usually adds a letter of congrats and maybe includes the award presentation kit. We have our own congrats letter, an invitation to apply for the scholarship, and an APO brochure that can be included. We have found if we can provide the hard copies and find the person who assembles the packets, they are willing to include them. We do have some physical copies but we can also provide digital copies if you have the ability to produce them locally.
Event Initiative
Work with an apo chapter or group of alumni (at least 5) to support or sponsor an event that benefits the council. It does not need to be direct service to scouts. MBU, popcorn distribution, FOS phone-a-thon, or staffing an apo-related booth.