Power of Alumni

In January of 2022, I received word that my place of employment in my hometown, among all of my network, was in trouble. On the job market yet again (very common in higher education) I was fortunate to interview and land a new job… 10 hours away! So I needed to do a lot before I relocated to my new home state. Thank goodness for APO Eagles and scouting. Using the network of fellowship, I was able to find a new place to live and meet with new people, who welcomed me to my new town. 

I cannot tell you how essential the role we play as an alumni association is! Alpha Phi Omega Eagles is a place to discuss work, life, and leisure, from our scouting background to the bonds of brotherhood via our fraternity. 

Our membership includes professionals and experts, from around the world who know the ins and outs of the local, the region, and the process of transitioning from snow in New York to salt crabs in Maryland! Without my brothers, I would be lost! 

Please consider giving back to the association, first by establishing active status. Your knowledge and experience are so necessary to all members, who may need to know what you know! Second, please consider being active on the Facebook page, as we will often see people do what I did- “I have questions about ______, can someone message me?” Third, please consider signing up as a Council ambassador- helping to spread the word of APO to our future generations! We only can do as well as who is in our organization, and right now that is a LOT!


Casey Jakubowski, PhD

Eagle Class 1993- GNFC Buffalo NY

APO Chi Pi 1995- SUNY Fredonia

APO Eagles Awards Chair

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